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Over the past two years here at Azoogle, we've seen tremendous growth. Part of that growth includes growing internally with our process, etc. One of the most simple yet effective ways of avoiding any sort of trouble down the line with any client has been the trusty weekly conference call. I've been luck to have some of the best clients out there (GE, Scholastic, Blockbuster, Netflix, Nutrisystem,, IAC/ to name a few. These guys are at the top of their game, and expect their vendors to be as well.
Recently Karn Aquilino, our "rock star" Account Manager and I spent 4 hours meeting with Scholastic up in Connecticut. We had a phenomenal meeting, with lots of "Take-aways" far the easiest to implement with the greatest impact has been our very simple, yet highly effective weekly con call.
The client gets to review their "to do" list, we get to cultivate a relationship with our client, and get to know how to best service them, all while we have some fun on the call.
Recently the guys at IAC/ decided to play a joke on Karen and tell her that the whole campaign was being a panic Karen IM'd me to jump on the call...where I heard the team laughing't wait to see what they do on April Fools day if this was just a hum drum Monday in August!
Posted by
Christopher Dessi
12:26 PM
Labels: account management,, azoogleads, client service, GE Money, IAC, Nutrisystem,
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