Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In Response to "Are Ad Networks Dying" article on iMediaconnect

Ad Networks are not only alive; we're thriving and evolving along with the ever changing interactive space. For successful performance based marketers there are certainly additional sensitivities that networks must consider which may have been ignored in the past. The adoption of performance based marketing by larger brands has cast a spotlight on the industry as a whole, and this is good. No longer can networks remain "blind" to advertisers. No longer can we demand payment on pixels firing. We're at a tipping point where those networks that survive will continue to cater to global advertisers that seek much needed hand holding, and networks must acquiesce and service these brands. Those that ignore the needs and wants of larger advertisers will suffer. Agencies will only add networks to a media plan if they're confident that their partner can service an account with the level of integrity and service they promise their client. The "net-net” is that the model works. Especially with our declining economic climate, "pay for performance" is highly appealing.

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