Monday, June 18, 2007

Content Network Transparency

While at Adtech, the SES show, as well as the Internet Retailer show, there was a recurring inquiry that I want to address. How can the advertiser optimize with no transparency into your network?

It's easy. AzoogleAd's proven methods will help you easily optimize your offer by passing of affiliate-id's. Within the URL string we simply enter the following details %%affiliate-id%%

Sub Affiliate-ID passing
AzoogleAds will send all affiliate and sub-affiliate information to be used by our advertisers to assess the Lifetime value of the user

We offer Consistency in optimization.
AzoogleAds can proactively optimize publishers based on reports

Plus, we can ensure that the most sesitive offers can be listed as Private Offers
Based on information shared from the advertiser AzoogleAds will create private offers for specific publishers to further optimize traffic.

So there you have it. Relatively simple way of getting around having optics into which specific affiliate is running your offer.

What types of offers work on the Azoogleads Network?

Continuity Programs continue to be some of the best performing offers on our CPA network. They are tailored to convert well, and due to the monthly cost to consumer, each advertiser that may have previously purchased media on a CPM, or CPC basis can now justify a certain amount of money (allowable aquisiton cost) to generate a conversion. They know that they can afford to do so because the quality of the conversions/sales that we generate is unsurpassed. Since the majority of these conversions are happening via search, we're finding that the advertisers churn rate is low, and therfore they can afford an attractive CPA to our affiliates/publishers.

Continuity Programs – Minimal upfront cost to register, coupled with a monthly subscription model.

BMG/Columbia house
GE Money

CPA Performance Based Ad Network

Recently I've been tasked with working with more Branded advertisers, and we've had tremendous success. As a company we define "branded" as follows:

Any company the Executive team deems recognizable with critical mass of positive sentiment. The Executive team’s judgment should be in accord with our Board of Directors, Staff, Current and Prospective Clients.

Our current branded advertiser relationships are very strong, and growing daily.

Agencies (or Parent Companies)

Initiative Media
Bausch & Lomb

Fun Cards


New York Times

HP Snapfish

Direct Relationships:
Vistaprint Blockbuster FTD Flowers Scholastic – Disney and Dr. Seuss Columbia House BMG Kraft – Gevalia SunRocket GE Money
Earthlink - PeoplePC Omaha Steaks Netflix Nutrisystem DoubleDay Entertainment –ITT

Recently we've singed contracts to be Blockbuster's Search Agency of Record for their search endeavors!

Internet Retailer Show in San Jose SUCCESS!!

Finally getting settled back in New York where I've had some time to take inventory, and think about what a great show the Azoogleads team had in San Jose at Internet Retailer!

As the only pure performance based Ad Network that had a booth, we had lots of fun chatting with internet retailers about how we can help their online ad campaigns. It was great to discuss the differences between ourselves and Performics, Commission Junction, and the like.

I was especially excited because Netflix CEO Reed Hastings was attending and speaking! It was certainly a highlight since they're a client of mine.

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